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Why are Black-Owned Bookstores so Vital?

Writer's picture: Daphne, FNDR of Tough ConvosDaphne, FNDR of Tough Convos

Knowledge Bookstore in Brampton, ON
Knowledge Bookstore in Brampton, ON

In an era where mainstream education often falls short in exposing us to the diverse and complex world we live in, there is an increasing need for self-education. The power of reading extends far beyond its practical applications, reaching into the very core of our understanding of the world. Through books, we can explore hidden perspectives, uncover the truth, and develop the critical thinking skills necessary to decipher sensitive information. This skill is particularly vital in turbulent times like right now when propaganda machines work overtime to obscure reality, and confuse your view of the unspeakable atrocities governments are committing.

As responsible global citizens, it is crucial to embrace diverse writers and explore narratives that frequently remain outside the mainstream discourse. To embark on this enlightening journey, we turn to the remarkable Black-owned bookstores in Canada. These bookstores not only offer a treasure trove of literature but also function as crucial centers of cultural exchange and education.

Table of Contents:

This blog endeavors to celebrate these invaluable institutions and recommend books and writers who provide profound insights into the histories of Black people all over the world, Black liberation, the current challenges of Black communities whether discrimination in inner American cities or the ongoing genocides in African regions like the Congo and Sudan. By supporting these bookstores and immersing ourselves in these narratives, we empower ourselves with the knowledge needed to navigate our ever-changing world.

Why We Need Black-Owned Bookstores

Black-owned bookstores are beacons of diversity and inclusivity, and they play an essential role in our society. These bookstores celebrate Black authors, writers, and publishers and provide a platform for amplifying the voices of those who have been marginalized by the mainstream publishing industry. They serve as community hubs, fostering safe spaces for dialogues on the critical issues affecting the Black community. Moreover, Black-owned bookstores act as educators, shedding light on Black history, culture, and experiences to all members of the community who want to be more informed and a better ally to their brethren. By offering resources that counteract the erasure of Black contributions to society, they promote a more accurate understanding of world history and the Black experience.

12 Black-Owned Bookstores in Canada You Can Support Right Now (Updated list)

Canada is home to a multitude of exceptional Afrocentric bookstores. Here are 12 Black-owned bookstores across the country where you can explore these remarkable works:

  1. Tusome Books in Winnipeg, MB – Discover their collection at

  2. Cover to Cover Bookshelf in Winnipeg, MB – Visit them at 3737-B Portage Ave. or explore online at

  3. Librairie Rancines in Montréal-Nord, QC – Find them at 5118 Charleroi, or visit

  4. The Biscuit Eater Cafe & Books in Mahone Bay, NS – Visit them at 16 Orchard St. or explore their offerings at

  5. A Different Booklist in Toronto, ON – Find them at 779 Bathurst St. or explore their collection at

  6. Nile Valley Books in Toronto, ON – Visit them at 1921 Gerrard St E, or explore their Facebook page at

  7. Old’s Cool General Store in Toronto, ON – Find them at 250 Westlake Ave. or explore online at

  8. Knowledge Bookstore in Brampton, ON – Find them at 177 Queen St W or explore their offerings at

  9. Burke's Bookstore based in Toronto, ON – Visit their website at

  10. Jackie Brown Books in Toronto, ON - Discover their collection at

  11. Salem Book Store in Ottawa, ON - Visit them at 1558 Merivale Rd.

  12. The African Experience in Toronto, ON - Explore their offerings at

Why Support Black-Owned Bookstores?

These Black-owned bookstores are not just places to find exceptional literature; they are portals to an inclusive and enriching world. By supporting them, you are not only encouraging diversity in literature but also promoting a more profound understanding of the world's complexities.

The power of reading lies in its ability to transform minds, challenge perceptions, and broaden horizons. So, let's support these Black-owned bookstores, embrace diverse narratives, and empower ourselves with the knowledge needed to navigate our ever-changing world. By doing so, we not only practice what we preach but also contribute to a more informed and empathetic society. These bookstores serve as vital bridges to understanding, and the books recommended here are your tickets to a world of knowledge and understanding that goes beyond the ordinary. It's time to empower your mind and support these essential institutions.

We at Tough Convos are here to help you find the content you need to diversify your world, your thoughts and your experiences. We even create customized content for you and your team to celebrate, discuss or learn from. We’d love to be your partner in culture! Reach out now.


If you’re interested in discovering some remarkable books and writers that address historical and current issues we’re often confronted with, here’s a few books to start with to gain a broader perspective on the world's current issues.

The Lost Ten Tribes: Their Identity Recovered by Yair Davidiy – This book delves into the history and identity of Black Semites, offering a fresh perspective on their heritage.

The Color of Jews: Racial Politics and Radical Diasporism by Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz – A profound exploration of the multifaceted identity of Black Jewish people, their history, and the challenges they face.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley – A seminal work that chronicles the life and struggles of one of the most influential figures in the Black liberation movement.

Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa by Jason Stearns – This book provides an in-depth look at the turmoil in the Congo, shedding light on the tragic events that have unfolded in the heart of Africa.


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